Bedican Compass - Help


Commands available within the original Bedican Compass are listed below, and should be typed on their own line.

There client:

/logout or /byeLogout of There (Will not work while in action mode)
/exitExit There (Will not work while in action mode)
/settingsOpens Settings
/vol or /volumeOpen volume control panel (Will not work while in action mode)
/aj or /chatgroupToggle Auto-Join Chat Groups (Will not work while in action mode)
/cm or /changeme or /wearOpens ChangeMe
/cm or /changeme or /wear {item}Wears the outfit, lookset or item {item}
/dressup or /duRandomly change items
/top or /upper {item}Wears the upper body item {item}
/bottom or /lower {item}Wears the lower body item {item}
/shoes {shoes}Wears the shoes {shoes}
/hair {hair}Wears the hair {hair}
/outfitPuts on random outfit
/outfit {outfit}Puts on the outfit {outfit}
/lookset {lookset}Puts on the lookset {lookset}
/flip {item}Flip through {item} in turn, {item} can be either: outfit, hair, shoes, top or bottom
/flipStop flip through items
/wearcache or /cachewearReloads the wear cache, only with differences (looksets, outfits, changeme items)
/wearcache or /cachewear allReloads the full wear cache (looksets, outfits, changeme items)
/hold {name}Holds prop or gun with name {name}
/putaway or /away {name}Put away prop or gun with name {name}
/out {name}Takes out {name}
/in or /ret or /retrieve {name}Rerieves {name}
/recacheRe-caches the inventory, only with differences
/recache allRe-caches the full inventory (you may freeze during this process)
/comOpens Communicator
/muteMute audio
/unmuteUnmute audio
/camOpen/Close UserCam+ (Same as flipCamera on debug panel)
/hideHides all nametags, flash movies etc. (Same as noRenderHud=1)
/showOpposite of /hide (Same as noRenderHud=0)
/z or /zon or /zonesonTurn on zones (Same as showOtherZones=1)
/zo or /zoff or /zonesoffOpposite or /z (Same as showOtherZones=0)
/tags or /namesDisplay all visible nametags
/notags or /nonamesHide all nametags
/labelsDisplay object labels (Nametags at the side of the screen)
/nolabelsHide object labels
/speechDisplay speech waveform
/nospeechHide speech waveform
/fpsShow fps and pps hud
/nofpsHide fps and pps hud
/colviewDisplay collisions (Same as colView=1)
/nocolviewHide collisions (Same as colView=0)
/amSwitch to ActionMode
/ff or /fToggle Forcefield
/ccToggle Cruise Control
/hfToggle HandsFree
/log or /chOpen chat history
/v or /voiceToggle Voice Chat
/vt or /voicetrainerOpen voice trainer
/undo or /gobackUndo last teleport
/im or /im {avatar}IM an avatar
/get or /sm or /summonOpen the summon avatar dialog
/get or /sm or /summon {avatar}Summon an avatar
/ignoreOpens ignore menu
/o or /organizeOpens Organizer
/addAdd favourite place
/actionbar or /abDisplay action bar
/pic or /photoTake photo
/worldchat or /wcOpen WorldChat
/flag or /activityList an activity
/weatherToggle Weather On
/musicToggle Music
/bodyBody mirror
/faceFace mirror
/firstFirst person
/0 or /standardStandard view
/1 or /lowLow zoom
/2 or /mediumMedium zoom
/3 or /highHigh zoom
/4 or /superSuper zoom
/5 or /worldWorld zoom
/brightblueChange text colour to bright blue
/brightgreenChange text colour to bright green
/brightredChange text colour to bright red
/brownChange text colour to brown
/burgundyChange text colour to burgundy
/darkblue or /blueChange text colour to dark blue
/darkgreen or /greenChange text colour to dark green
/darkorangeChange text colour to dark orange
/darkred or /redChange text colour to dark red
/darkyellowChange text colour to dark yellow
/blackChange text colour to default
/grey or /grayChange text colour to grey
/orangeChange text colour to orange
/pinkChange text colour to pink
/purpleChange text colour to purple
/tealChange text colour to teal
/yellowChange text colour to yellow
/walk or /forward {seconds}Walk forward for {seconds} seconds
/stop or /haltStop walking forward
/back {seconds}Walk backwards for {seconds} seconds
/right {seconds}Turn right for {seconds} seconds
/left {seconds}Turn left for {seconds} seconds
/jumpMake avatar jump
/runMake avatar run (use /stoprun to stop)
/stoprunStop avatar from running
/balDisplay your tbux balance in a chat bubble
/webOpen the There client browser
/web {url}Open the There client browser with {url}
/var {variable} {value}Sets EnvironmentVariable {variable} with value {value}
/vs {value}Sets the viewScale PerfKnob setting to {value}
/lod {value}Sets the skuteLodDistanceDelta PerfKnob setting to {value}
/pk or /perfOpens PerfKnobManager
/pk or /perf {variable} {value}Sets PerfKnob setting {variable} with value {value}
/reload {doid}Reloads object {doid}
/lr or /lLeave the current race
/join or /raceJoin the current race (Will not work while in action mode)
/results or /rrSee race results (Will not work while in action mode)
/gateTake out a gate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/rampTake out a ramp gate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/grandstand or /gsTake out a grandstand gate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/startgate or /sgTake out a start gate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/finishgate or /fgTake out a finish gate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/barrelTake out a barrel while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/crateTake out a crate while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/recordRecord while track building (Will not work while in action mode)
/arcadeTurn on arcade mode while track building (Will not work while in action mode)

There webapps:

/gotoOpens a list of teleportable place names
/tbux or /tbOpens page to buy more tbux
/goto or /placesOpens a list of places
/goto #{doid}Teleports you to {doid}, Note: {doid} must be a teleportable location
/goto {place name}Teleports you to {place name}, Note: {place name} is case sensitive and must be a teleportable location
/avsearch or /avatarOpens avatar search page
/avsearch or /avatar {avatar}Opens avatar search and searches for {avatar}
/profile or /pfOpens your profile
/profile or /pf {avatar}Opens {avatar} profile
/xslOpens your profile without xsl stylesheet
/xsl {avatar}Opens {avatar} profile without xsl stylesheet
/seller or /salesOpens your sales
/seller or /sales {avatar}Opens {avatar} sales
/designer or /designsOpens your designs
/designer or /designs {avatar}Opens {avatar} designs
/auction or /auctionsOpens auctions
/ac or /auction or /auctions #{item ID}Opens auctions for {item ID}
/ac or /auction or /auctions {query}Opens auctions search with {query}
/completed or /compl {query}Opens auctions search with {query} including completed items
/bids {item ID}Opens bid history for {item ID}
/myitemsOpens MyItems
/th or /thistOpens Transaction History
/eventsOpens MyEvents
/hn or /nowOpens Happening Now
/shopOpens There Shop Central
/devOpens There Developer Website
/review or /reviews or /rOpens There Reviews
/forum or /forumsOpens There Forum
/blog or /blogsOpens There Blog
/status or /avmanOpens there status
/mapOpens Map


~disableDisables the listener (Listener is still running)
~enableEnables the listener
~stopStops the listener
/help or /?Opens this page
/loggerOpen/Close the Bedican Compass "Chat History" feature
/logger clearClears the Bedican Compass "Chat History" feature
/gpsToggle GPS
/gpsdToggle GPSD
/rndSends text to the main window, a random number between 1 and 100
/rnd {number}Sends text to the main window, a random number between 1 and {number}
/time or /ttSends the system time to the main window (24 hour)
/tSends the system time to the main window (12 hour)
/dateSends the system date to the main window
/rep or /repeat or \Repeats the last text typed into the main window by anyone
/repme or /repeatme or \\Repeats the last text typed into the main window by yourself
/updateOpens the compass download page to check for updates
/urlOpens the last url typed into the main window by anyone
/xurl or /urlxOpens the last url typed into the main window by anyone in an external browser
/google or /gOpens Google homepage
/google or /g {query}Opens Google and searches for {query}
/image or /images or /iOpens Google Images
/image or /images or /i {query}Opens Google Images and searches for {query}
/gmailOpens GMail homepage
/gurlOpens Google url shortener
/gplus or /gpOpens Google+
/youtube or /ytOpens YouTube
/youtube or /yt {query}Opens YouTube and searches for {query}
/twitter or /twOpens Twitter
/twitter or /tw {user}Opens {user}'s twitter page
/tinypic or /tpOpens TinyPic
/tinychat or /tcOpens TinyChat
/facebook or /fbOpens Facebook
/td or /downloadsOpens ThereDownloads
/p or /pmsOpens pHluid13 Transport System. Maintained by pHluid13
/p or /pms {location}Teleport to location within pHluid13 Transport System
/homeTeleport to your home location, set with /home {doid}
/home {doid}Set your home location
/wikiOpens ThereWiki
/goOpens GoThere. Maintained by tablatronix
/ver or /versionSends The Bedican Compass version details to the main window
/ping {avatar}If {avatar} is using The Bedican Compass with "Allow Ping" option enabled, {avatar} will send reply text to the main window
/emotes {avatar}Turns on emote copying. Emotes from {avatar} will be copied and sent to the main window
/emotes !Sends the current avatar name, whos emotes are being copied, to the main window
/emotesTurns off emote copying.
/puppet or /slave {avatar}Turns on puppet mode. Your avatar can be controlled by {avatar} with basic commands (See note below).
/puppet or /slave {avatar} -rSame as /puppet or /slave {avatar} but with random replies sent to the main window
/puppet or /slave !Sends the current avatar name, who you are the puppet of, to the main window
/puppet or /slaveTurns off puppet mode
/rcReloads the config file
/autoexecRuns autoexec node within the config file
/alert {trigger}Alert (audio) when {trigger} is spoken by anyone. Multiple triggers may be set up by running this command again
/alertRemove all alerts
/ctof {c}Convert {c} to f
/ftoc {f}Convert {f} to c

_Jonty (v1):

/utimeDisplay time in London
/utime {location}Display time in {location}
/ignoringDisplay how many ignores you have
/ignoring {avname}Display how many ignores for {avname} (Only if profile public)
/online {avname}Display if {avname} is online
/weatherDisplay weather in London
/weather {location}Display weather in {location}

Riot_Girl_1 (v1):

/rg or /riotOpens Riot_Girl_1 sales
/guidelines or /dgOpens developer guidelines
/submit or /subOpens developer submissions
/undoteleUndo teleport
/scheduleOpen MySchedule
/decorView decor

Flattering (v4):

/schedule or /sch or /scOpen MySchedule
/devpriceOpens developer prices
/tagcolor or /tagcolourOpens nametag colour chooser
/spaOpens list of spa locations
/frOpens pending friend requests
/historyOpens transaction history (same as /thist)
/messagebar or /mbOpens the message bar
/scbarOpens the shortcut bar
/buyOpens page to buy more tbux
/popOpens population chart

Puppet Mode:

With puppet mode active, the puppeteer, chosen with command /puppet or /slave {avatar}, can use the following basic commands to control your avatar.

In all commands below, {avatar} is your avatar name. This means, multiple puppets can use the same puppeteer, allowing the puppeteer to select which puppet to command using this parameter. For the puppeteer to control all puppets currently listening to their commands, a wildcard % can be used for {avatar}.

-f {duration} {avatar}Moves {avatar} forward for {duration} seconds.
-b {duration} {avatar}Moves {avatar} backwards for {duration} seconds.
-r {duration} {avatar}Rotates {avatar} right for {duration} seconds.
-l {duration} {avatar}Rotates {avatar} left for {duration} seconds.
-j {avatar}Makes {avatar} jump.
-bow {avatar}Makes {avatar} bow. :o)
-cc {avatar}Toggles {avatar} cruise control.
-ff {avatar}Toggles {avatar} forcefield.
-outfit {outfit} {avatar}Changes outfit to {outfit} for {avatar} (Note: outfit name must be short enough for the bubble chat not to add a space on a long name)
-lookset {lookset} {avatar}Changes lookset to {lookset} for {avatar} (Note: lookset name must be short enough for the bubble chat not to add a space on a long name)
-break {avatar}Breaks the connection between {avatar} and the puppeteer. i.e. {avatars} is no longer the puppet for the chosen puppeteer.

bedican.xml help

The file "bedican.xml" contains XML the compass uses to configure itself when it first starts, What is XML?.

The following is a brief guide detailing the meaning of each configuration option. If a configuration is not included, a default value will be used. Elements will be referenced using XPath, What is XPath?.

Config options:

/bedican/config/browserThis determines which browser The Bedican Compass uses to launch web pages, values are: 1 for internal (There in client browser) 0 for external (default browser). Default value of 0.
/bedican/config/panelThis determines which panel will be displayed at startup, values are: 0=none 1=Compass 2=Debug 3=Clock 4=There 5=Teleport 6=Lookup 7=Robots 8=Notepad 9=GPS. Default value of 0.
/bedican/listener/config/startupThis determines if the listener will be ON when the compass is started, values are: 0=off 1=on. Default value of 0.
/bedican/listener/config/pingThis determines if allow ping option will be ON when the compass is started, values are: 0=off 1=on. Default value of 0.
/bedican/listener/config/logThis determines if the log service will be ON when the compass is started, values are: 0=off 1=on. Default value of 0.
/bedican/listener/config/user_prefixThis sets the prefix for user defined commands. If this is set to match the predefined commands prefix, (i.e. "/") then any user defined command will override a predefined one with a matching trigger. Default value of "#".
/bedican/listener/user_definedThis defines user defined commands, each command is defined within a com element. See below for more details.
/bedican/listener/autoexecWhich user defined commands to run at startup, each command is listed within a com element. To call a predefined command here, create an user defined alias. See below for more details.
/bedican/developer/config/reload_doidThis determines the developer panel default reload doid, useful for an often used "testing" object. Exclude this element for an empty string.
/bedican/msgbar/config/startupThis determines if the message bar suppressor will be ON when the compass is started, values are: 0=off 1=on. Default value of 0.